Farm and Food Business Incubator Network
An initiative with the NCA&T Center for Business Incubation will help food entrepreneurs & farmers add value to local farm products and create new local food businesses.

Aggie Venture Development Lab
The Aggie Venture Development Lab is an applied entrepreneurship learning lab and student incubator/hatchery for students who are interested in starting or growing a business, creating innovation for established companies and developing market-based solutions to social problems. Students who are admitted to the lab’s program have 24/7 access and receive priority scheduling to the lab’s resources.

WCU small Business technology Development Center
An initiative with the NCA&T Center for Business Incubation will help food entrepreneurs & farmers in the add value to local farm products and create new local food businesses. WCU's Asheville office is located downtown and serves Buncombe, Haywood, Henderson, Madison, McDowell, Polk, Rutherford and Transylvania counties. The Cullowhee office is located in the Forsyth College of Business at Western Carolina University and serves the counties of Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Jackson, Macon and Swain. If neither of these locations are conveniently located near you, please visit our Locations page to find an office nearby.

A-B Tech Business Incubation & small Business center
Looking to launch an entrepreneurial venture or grow a small business? The Small Business Center (SBC) at A-B Tech Enka is part of the statewide Small Business Center Network (SBCN), a community college-funded initiative with a vision to foster and support entrepreneurship, small business, and economic development in local communities. with an emphasis on assisting start-ups, early-stage, and at-risk enterprises

NCCC BioNetwork
The passage of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) has raised the bar of regulatory compliance, employee training, and supplier qualification. Our Food, Beverage, and Natural Products (FBNP) program provides training solutions, resources and facilities to food manufacturers to address this changing environment. Whether it's through FDA required training courses or helping food businesses navigate quality and safety concerns, the Food, Beverage, and Natural Products program has solutions to fit your companies needs.

North Carolina Military Business Center
The North Carolina Military Business Center (NCMBC) is a statewide business development and technology transition entity of the North Carolina Community College System, headquartered at Fayetteville Technical Community College. The mission of the NCMBC is to leverage military and other federal business opportunities to expand the economy, grow jobs and improve quality of life in North Carolina. The NCMBC’s primary goal is to increase federal revenues for businesses in North Carolina. The Department of Defense has an annual impact of $66 billion and is the second largest sector of North Carolina’s economy (12% GDP).

Self Help Credit Union
Our mission is creating and protecting ownership and economic opportunity for all, especially people of color, women, rural residents and low-wealth families and communities. Self-Help Credit Union has branches in NC, SC, FL and VA, and we offer remote services like online and mobile banking to make joining us easy no matter where you live.

Mountain Bizworks
Mountain BizWorks’ mission is to build a vibrant and inclusive entrepreneurial community in Western North Carolina by helping small businesses start, grow, and thrive and provides business loans and coaching to emerging and established small businesses in Western North Carolina. Mountain BizWorks envisions a thriving Western North Carolina in which small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs have access to the resources needed to make their dreams a reality—a region where collaboration, creativity, innovation, and investment generate opportunity and prosperity for all.

Blue Ridge Food Ventures
Blue Ridge Food Venture’s mission is to provide infrastructure and technical assistance to enable small businesses entering the marketplace with safe and wholesome foods and natural products, thereby assisting in the creation of new businesses, new jobs, and new revenues for the region. Since 2005, Blue Ridge Food Ventures has offered farmers, food and natural products entrepreneurs, caterers, bakers, and food truck and mobile cart operators an opportunity to bring their product ideas to market.

Venture Asheville
Venture Asheville grows Asheville’s startup community and connects high-growth entrepreneurs to talent, mentors and investors through unique programming and events. We measure progress in terms of high-growth ventures created, seed and venture capital invested and high salary jobs generated.

Asheville SCORE
Asheville SCORE, Counselors to America's Small Business, is part of a national nonprofit association dedicated to entrepreneur education and the formation, growth and success of the nation's small businesses. Every year, SCORE volunteers help thousands of entrepreneurs start small businesses and achieve new levels of success in their existing businesses.

Piedmont Food Processing Center
Piedmont Food Processing Center is a NC non-profit providing management services to shared kitchens across the state. We are based at the Orange County, NC facility which was established in 2011 as a joint project between Alamance, Chatham, Durham, and Orange counties. The Center has over 10,000 square feet of kitchens, special equipment, freezers, coolers – most of what you need to launch a successful food business. Centers are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, convenient to the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill area and the Greensboro, Winston-Salem, High Point area.

SAHC Farm Incubator Program
The SAHC Farmer Incubator Program seeks to support and develop new farm businesses by providing affordable access to land and farm resources. Active annual, perennial and livestock farming is balanced with resilient natural environments through a symbiotic relationship.

CFSA Lomax Farm
The Elma C. Lomax Research and Education Farm (Lomax) is a certified organic farm located in Concord, NC. Lomax launched in 2009 by the Cabarrus County government and Cooperative Extension as a training ground for new farmers. The farm has evolved into a research and education farm managed by Carolina Farm Stewardship Association. Through the Student Outdoor Immersive Learning at Lomax (SOILLS) program, Lomax provides hands on learning opportunities to college students, STEM activities to K-12 and high school students, business incubation to Farmers-in-Training (FiTs), as well as workshops for farmers and the general public.